Monthly Archives: February 2015

Get Me Off This Roller Coaster!

Jesus at work

To get off the roller coaster of excessive commitments and put God in the driver’s seat, here are a few things to consider:

1. Put God first. If you can trust God with your very life and eternal salvation, you certainly trust Him with your career. Prioritize your life to serve God first, and make your work an act of service to Him along with a way of serving others.

2. Maintain spiritual practices when you’re busy.History is full of examples of extremely busy people who pray constantly and build other pious practices into their daily routine. The ultimate example is Jesus Himself, who, during His public ministry, frequently withdrew to spend time in prayer. You’re not busier than Jesus, are you?

3. Read Scripture regularly to maintain perspective.Isn’t it amazing how the Scriptures are constantly new and applicable? Sometimes when we’re most troubled by things at work, reading Scripture can help us regain perspective.

4. Have a plan. Build a routine around the things that draw us closer to God. We know that God is always with us and that He cares about even the most mundane aspects of our lives. Our work is important to Him, so by offering it to Him as a form of prayer, we most effectively accomplish His will.

-Extracted from the book, ‘Faith at Work-Finding Purpose Beyond the Paycheck’ by Kevin Lowry