Monthly Archives: February 2011

Assessment as Learning

Winning the race become trivial for you when you truly know the meaning of victory within yourself. I would say this is a great example of how a person views assessment as learning, not assessment for learning.

Millionaire? Learn and Question



My ‘giant’ apologise if you are here either to  get some tips on how to be a millionaire, or how to reach financial freedom, get out of debt, save, and invest, but I generously can lend my ears for you to share how you spend your money. In this entry, I would like to actually ponder what I have learnt and questioned in my 7th week of my ICT class. Gotcha. My final semester now is fast approaching to the end. 7th week to go. Do you feel the same? If you say ‘No’, I think you don’t want to be a millionaire.

When I was first stumbled on the task given, ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’, the melody of the movie ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ straight away injected and playing into my head. I watched it twice. From the movie I think about how to earn more money. I think about going out to work instead of contributing my ideas on how we as a group is to adapt and integrate the game to be more kids-appeal in the classroom. Then again I asked this question ‘Can teachers be millionaires too?’ My answer for you is YES depending on how you are to define it. Therefore my sincere apologize to my group members here for not giving my full focus in this task. (fikiran malayang-layang ba). In the world of exercise and fitness, we came out with the theme ‘Vegetable and fruits’. Congrats to one of my members came out with the riddle-form of questions in order to challenge pupils’ mind. Our group then has decided to finally put Year 4 pupils as for the target ‘Guinea pigs’. The whole process of game modification I realized is same as if you want to be a millionaire. Not easy, but is possible.

Next was during the presentation in the class. I was very convinced actually how the game ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ can be used in the classroom through watching all the group presentations. I would say that the success of this kind of game in the classroom very much depends on the creative modification which suited with the pupils’ level. I also noticed that all the groups came up with not only different, but also catchy title of the game such as ‘Who wants to be a pirate-aire? (the most creative and interesting presentation), ‘Who wants to be a star?’ (That’s my group! Ku-bangga ba), and so on. However, the stumbling block for me throughout the presentation I guess was the feedback part. I felt very hard to give my feedback spontaneously once the group finished their presentations. Personally, I need more time to process my thought so that my feedback will be more constructive rather than ‘Good-job-type’ of feedback. During the presentation, I questioned ‘How my friends could give feedback so fast in constructive manner? Do they eat raisins or what? (List Good things and things which need to be improved on) For those of my friends did that, thumbs-up from me. Besides, I also questioned whether we can be given more time to give feedback? Again I am blaming the time. Mirroring my own weaknesses, perhaps I am too lazy, sleepy and losing focus when comes to feedback session during the class. Anyway, on behalf of Group 4, I would like to say thanks for your feedback. All the feedback given were very encouraging and valuable to us.

Looking at the other side of coin with regards to giving feedback, the session is actually developing myself to be a critical as well as fast thinker in giving feedback. I could foresee myself in the future would be selected to be a judge for maybe story-telling competition or singing competition in at least school level? That is the time when I apply whatever knowledge that I been equipped with to say no more no less ,with full impact. I hope my pupils wont get hurt by my feedback.Always prepared sweets in my pocket. Back to this game ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’, I think through the proper modification and adaptation, it can be applied to not only subject like English, but also in Science, Mathematics, and Bahasa Malaysia. Besides using the concept in the classroom, teachers can also use it as one of the activities during English week or language camp held in the school. In short, the game ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ is very flexible.  Awesome! Last but not least, my two cents of thought on money.

Money itself is not an evil, but the love of money is the root of all evil.

Money is not everything. Yes, we need it to survive. Therefore, spend your

money wisely, not unnecessarily. Earn money in a right way as well.

(Bukan secara HARAM, nanti KARAM diakhir hayat-ba)

FIFA- Football Is Freaking Awesome!

Picking a computer game and make a simple lesson from it is a bit challenging for me to do. All this while, I was playing and still playing this particular game for the sake of entertainment and temporary break from busyness of heavy workloads. The computer game that I play is Fifa08. Without a doubt, the name itself tells it all, is a football game. I have been playing this game for almost 5 years since my foundation. (lama addicted gila). How about playing football in real life? Sorry I am wearing spectacles. There was one time I watch football match at the mamak stall, I uttered this phrase, ‘What an ambitious effort!’ Walaowei that was the phrase I learnt from playing Fifa08!

I once asked one of my best friends how he actually every time could get tip-top performance in his English papers. He always answers me, ‘I just play PS2 games. Feel free to come to my house!’ I was flattered by his replied, but as time goes by through my observation to those friends playing computer games, I believe is in fact will somehow develop English literacy among kids in terms of vocabulary used. Fifa08 may sound complicated to some, but I like one of the features which is commentary. It made the game looks realistic. But when comes to dislike is to make a simple lesson from it. Anyway, after cracking my head, here is the best simple lesson that I can come out with by using Fifa08.

Let me assume that the computers in computer lab are all installed by Fifa08 game. My target pupils are upper primary kids. As for the learning objectives, I have come out with two as listed below:

1. Pupils shall be able to learn simple football terminology.

2. Pupils shall have sporting spirit by winning the game either on PC or on the field. GOAL.

I divide my simple lesson into three parts: BEFORE, DURING, AFTER 



For this stage, I would first play the demo video of Fifa08. I emphasize to my kids that they can learn English in a “football community”. Then I introduce them simple phrases like, ‘pass the ball, stop the ball, hold the ball, and kick the goal.’ Besides, I also teach them the difficult words that they might come across while playing the game.




For this stage I would call it individual hands-on activity whereby the pupils play the game by themselves. Before they start playing, I instruct them to have a pencil and a piece of paper. They need to jot down at least 3 remarks by the football commentator. For example, remark like, ‘Good defending’. Wearing an earphone, each of them will able to listen to what commentator say while playing the game. I believe through listening, indirectly they can slowly improve their spoken language.


Lastly, I would divide the class into 2 groups. I would be a referee. Pupils are to play real football game on the field. During the play, they need to use the football terminology learnt by saying out loud. For example, ‘Good defending’ and so on. My job as a referee is to jot it down and give marks to the pupils that use the football terminology correctly.

That’s the end of the simple lesson. Hope my pupils can one day represent Malaysia and win the next Suzuki cup. (Harimau boleh-ba!) Does anyone has Fifa 2011? I felt like Fifa08 a bit out-dated. I end this entry with a question. If you were the kid, do you enjoy my lesson? Take your time to answer. I go and play Fifa08 now.

Cross-Pollination of ideas


I came across the above picture during the eve of ushering in the Rabbit Year at my aunt’s house. It was nicely stick on top of the refrigerator. The title is, ‘The ten commandments of the modern day living’. Let me translate this into English.

1.       You’ve got to have sweet mouth

2.       You’ve got to work out your brain

3.       You’ve got to make a fast move

4.       You’ve got to produce more

5.       You’ve got to drive slowly

6.       You’ve got to give less excuses

7.       You’ve got to be brave

8.       You’ve got to tame your temper

9.       You’ve to talk softly

10.     You’ve got to exercise more

Something I felt missing which is Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. This shall be the first.

Look at yourself after watching this!

Each and everyone of us is beautiful just the way we are. Nick just a good example on how we face the challenges in our life. He may not have arms or limbs, but he really made a mark in a lot of people’s heart. Truly, he is making a dent in the universe.

Tux paint, creativity at every click



Of all the ICT tools listed (Domoanimate, Glogster, Sketchfu, Kerpoof, Tuxpaint, Myths and Legends, SuperHeroSquad, Hero, Yoyogames, ZimmerTwins, and Toondoo), I have chosen Tux paint.(Cinta pandang pertama-ba) Tested and I gave this tool 4 shining stars. Today is only the fifth day of Chinese New Year, but all of us are already back to University. Class begins on the fifth day of the day I supposed to hang out with my ex-classmates and play lap lap fu. Anyway, I could say I am fortunate because like few of my friends in overseas have not back for annual reunion dinner with family for almost 5 years. So I shall be thankful. Back to the topic, I would like to make a review of the ICT tool that I have tested for about 2 hours. As you can see from the image above, the left side is the model for me to ‘copy cat’ using none other than Tux paint- creativity at every click to produce my own version.

Let’s first look at the functions of the tool. Before I explain, I would like to tell you that Tux is a penguin character that you can see from my production. When penguin combine with the word, ‘paint’, it becomes a free drawing platform for young children. It has a simple, easy-to-use interface, fun sound effects, and an encouraging cartoon mascot who helps guide children as they use the tool. It provides a blank canvas and a variety of drawing tools to help children be creative. One of my forum friends actually had long installed the tool in her family computers for her home-schooled kids. According to her, it’s a great operating system! It’s fast, easy to use, and runs on all open-source (i.e. free) software. The kids can’t get enough of Tux paint! I regret to only discover this tool now. If not I can install this program in my home PC, so that it helps me to entertain my cousin’s kids during Chinese New Year open house happened 2 days ago instead of letting them roaming around the house and crying.

Good is opposite of bad. Beautiful is the opposite of ugly. Nothing is perfect except God. If not I would give this tool 100 shining stars. As I tested the tool for about 2 hours, there are some limitations that I encounter. First thing is the sound effect. Before you can use the tool, you will come across with Tux paint Config. So I was happy to see there was a feature of sound effect. I enabled the sound effect. I thought as I do my painting, I would accompany by music like Beethoven. It turned out the sound effect was quite irritating. When I click erase, I could hear the sound of a barking dog. (Woof woof, woof woof) It would be better if it sounds like this : give you ang pao, give you ang pao when I click erase. Another drawback of this tool is there is no other theme of the fonts like Algerian, Rockwell, or Verdana. I guess the reason is due to the nature of this tool which is targeted to the kids. The next limitation that I encounter is you cannot save the drawing as jpeg format. So you can only open the saved file from the program itself. That’s all the limitations that I encountered.

When can this tool be used? You can use this tool as long as you have free time. This tool can relax your mind and mobilize your right brain during leisure time. I remembered when I was in Year 3, I participated an inter-school colouring competition. So all of us about 100 over participants were given A3 paper to colour, the effect is no wonder the earth is getting hotter and hotter now.  Heard of global warming and cutting down trees?(Padahal kesejukan sepanjang bulan Januari-ba Freezing) This tool is so eco-friendly and it can be used for cultivating talent of creative drawing and colouring competition in order to save trees. Human need oxygen to survive. If this tool was really can be used for the drawing competition to cultivate creativity skill among the kids, I doubt about its practicality due to the fact that all the participants must be provided by a laptop.

In terms of the user friendliness from the teacher point of view, I would say that the kids will insanely addicted to it. The toolbar of this programs are easy to use and I believe kids will master it very quickly. One of the user comments that I select said: “I just had to tell you that our daughter is absolutely in love with Tux Paint. I know I told you that, but it’s freaking me out that she is only 3 and can operate it all on her own. She knows how to change the background, change stamps, go from one brush type to another and change colors – she learned how to use it so quickly!” – Patti M., Sacramento, California, USA Walaowei, only 3-year-old can operate? Amazed. What a shame if you cannot use this tool at the age of 20 something? So I would say that this tool is very suitable for primary school kids from Year 1 to Year 6. Perhaps for lower primary (Year 1 to 3), it would be better the kids are guided by parents or teacher, so that they wont simply click and cause damaged to computer. You heard of phrase ‘Every home has a computer?’ I will add on to that : Every computer MUST have a Tux paint, creativity at every click. Before I can’t get enough of Tux paint, there is also a tool called Tux Maths. I will explore that when I got free time. For now, it’s time for me to eat mandarin orange.